Week 70

Talofa lava aiga!
This week a samoan ward was formed in the Christchurch stake and Sister Crichton and I are the ones covering it. And yes that is correct, Sister Crichton is my new soa! She got transferred here on Saturday and it's so crazy because I was training he exactly a year ago lolol. It's been a load of fun. 

The gift of tongues is real people! I did not get to go to the MTC to learn Samoan, I have never officially tried to learn it and Heavenly Father knows that so He makes up for it. When I need to understand what's being said, I understand, and when I need to be able to say something, I say it. It's the coolest thing ever! 

Other than the samoan ward and getting a new soa, this week we did some good finding. We have found heaps of people that have lots of potential. 

On Tuesday we were planning on stopping in on a part member family but it didn't feel right so we decided to visit a potential instead and it was so cool because hey are so keen! We set a time to go back on Sunday but they weren't home (sad). 

This week we also met with a man named Steve who has been taught previously and he knows so much! He already knows it's true but he doesn't recognize it like the Nephites. We talked alot about faith and how it's a principle of action and so he is going to have start doing some things so that he can recognize his answer. I asked if he would be baptized once he receives his answer and he said "well ya, it would be dumb not to." So that's exciting! 

The samoan ward is going to be so good! So many people came to church that haven't come in forever. We have also have received heaps of great referrals. This ward is going to be so huge and strong! 

My spiritual though this week is from D&C 90:11 "For it shall come to pass in that day, that every man shall hear the fulness of the gospel in his own tongue, and in his own language, through those who are ordained unto this power, by the administration of the Comforter, shed forth upon them for the revelation of Jesus Christ." This is the scripture of the week because the Samoan ward being formed is a sign that it's the last days and that's so exciting! I'm so excited for the samoan people in Christchurch to be able to hear the gospel in their language. 

Ofa Atu

Sister Olson 

- "missionaries are like Angel's ready to help"- Elder Uchtdorf 
-I saw Jinna! When world collide
-Everone at the doctors 
-goodbye sister su'a


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