Week 67

Kia Ora Whanau!

Well this week I was special transferred to Christchurch. On Tuesday morning I was folding my laundry and the thought came to me that I was going to get moved to Christchurch to be companions with Sister Gudgeon and Su'a before the transfer ended. Then that afternoon the APs called and told me that I was indeed going to get moved to Christchurch to be with Sister Gudgeon and Su'a the very next day when we drove up to Christchurch for mission tour. It was crazy because I had already received revelation that that was going to happen! 

Ten minutes after that phone call we had to go teach a lesson where we were going to invite Bernardo to be baptized so we had to pull ourselves together real fast. The lesson was so great though and the spirit was so strong testifying of everything that we were teaching. It was one of those moments where you could not deny that this is all true! Bernardo said yes to being baptized and will be getting baptized on February 23!! I'm so happy and excited for him. Kind of a bummer that I won't be there but that's okay, its not about being there, it's about Bernardo getting to follow the example of Jesus Christ and receive all of those blessings! 

On Wednesday we drove 6.5 hours to Christchurch for mission tour and I brought all of my stuff with me haha. Before the MLC, we did some training with the Sisters in our zone to help them have more confidence in themselves so that they would be able to get the most out of mission tour. It was a really special time with the sisters and a great way to start the conference off with the spirit.

Wednesday night after MLC, the Aps gave me a bag full of Christmas cards that had been sent to my last area but I never received because of transfers. I just wanted to say thank you so much to everyone who sent a card for me all the way across the world! I love you all.

Mission tour was really fantastic. Elder Natress, the first counselor in the area presidency, came to do some training with us and I received so many insights and my testimony was strengthened so much! 

After mission tour I had to say goodbye to so many missionaries that I love for probably the last time. It was so sad knowing that I won't see them again. Then my new companions and I went to ministering night in Ashburton.

The rest of this week has just been getting to know the Riccarton area. I love it! I'm so grateful to be here! Sister Gudgeon goes home in a week and so I'm doing my best to learn the area as quickly as I can. Also this area has heaps of Samoans so I am doing my best to learn more of the language. It's been interesting trying to learn on the fly but it's exciting.

This week I wanted to share 2 Nephi 33:6 which says, "I glory in plainness; I glory in truth; I glory in my Jesus, for he hath redeemed my soul from hell." At mission tour, Elder Natress asked us the question "what think ye of Christ?" And immediately this scripture popped into my head. I thought of it because when I think of Christ I think about how simple His gospel is and I think about how much He loves us individually. He loved each of us enough to suffer all the pains and afflictions that we will each endure so that He will know how to perfectly succor us. I, like Nephi, "glory in my Jesus" and receive so much joy from knowing that He loves and knows me and you perfectly. This knowledge is why I came on my mission and why I stay on my mission. Being a missionary is so hard every single day, but there is an incredible joy that comes from sharing the restored gospel and seeing others having very real and personal spiritual experiences that bring them closer to their Heavenly Father. 

Ofa Atu

Sister Olson

- Saying goodbye to Bernardo "I feel the connection"
- Ka Kite Sister Alves and Sister Romano 
- Sister Siale and I are in the same zone now and we are soooooooo happy and excited!!!!! 


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