Week 66

Kia Ora Whanau

This week went so fast and pretty miraculous!

On Monday we taught an excommunicated member and I was bold as and said "when are you going to get rebaptized?" And he said he wants to get baptized right away!!!!! It was soooooo exciting! So now he's going to talk with the Stake so that we can get the ball rolling on that!!I 

On Tuesday I cut a less active members hair as we taught her about the plan of salvation. She has had a hard life and really testified to us that knowing about the plan of salvation and living the gospel really does bless your life. 

Wednesday was a big day. We had lots of lessons which was so nice because we dont normally teach heaps of lessons. We did a dinner for the single adults in the branch to help strengthen them and it was soooooo fun! One of their friends came and he doesn't have a Christen background but he agreed to pray to Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus Christ and ask God how He feels about him. It was very exciting.

Thursday we did a district service clean for some people we are teaching. It took so long because we had to keep giving the elders jobs to do. They couldn't just look at the list of jobs and pick one hahaha. We also taught English class. It was really nice out so we decided to teach it outside. I was perfecting warm, but all the Brazilians that came were freezing. 

Friday night some members took us up the gondola and bought us dinner at the all you can eat buffet. It was so yummy! 

On Sunday Bernardo came to church! He works night shifts so he asked us to knock on his door and wake him up in the morning so we did hahaha. He was so tired but after church he was so grateful that he came because he loved it so much! He said that he felt very welcomed and like he was at home. He also told us that he wants to be a member! So he's going to get baptized! We will set a date with him on Tuesday! 

My spiritual thought this week is from Ether 5:4 which talks about the Book of Mormon and the three witnesses that testify of Gods work. It says, "And in the mouth of three witnesses shall these things be established; and the testimony of three, and this work, in the which shall be shown forth the power of God and also his word, of which the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost bear record—and all this shall stand as a testimony against the world at the last day." When I read this I just thought about how all knowing God really is because he provided multiple witnesses of Christ and the Book of Mormon and of his power so that we don't have to wonder if any of it is true. We can be reached by the spirit as we learn more about these witnesses and then ask God himself if it is true. It's so important to have multiple witnesses of the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ, but most importantly it's essential to have received your own witness, so make sure you take the time and do the work to receive and strengthen your own testimony.

Ofa atu 

Sister Olson 

- Bernardo with us at church

- at the gondola with my companions and the Mansano's
-these dogs live next to the chapel and always come visit us. The white dog is named Gigi and the black dog is named Nitro. We love them 


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