Week 60

Kia Ora Whanau! 

So last week on Tuesday we got a third companion, Sister Tauru. She's from Tahiti and came out on her mission at the same time as me!

Some notable things from this week include going on exchanges. I was with Sister Tauru and Sister Gunnell who has been out for a total of 3 days. We spent all day in the Featherston area and it was so good because we got so much done in that area. I wish we were only covering one ward because it's so much more effective. A miracle that happened on exchanges is we went and visited a member who told us that Sister Tuigamala (a less active lady) was ready for the missionaries again. This Sister has been taking lessons from the Jehovah Witnesses the last 6 months and so 5 months ago when I first met her, she was not interested at all. The members kept ministering to her throughout the whole time and because of their diligence when we went and saw her this week her heart had totally changed. We taught her the plan of salvation and invited her to church. She was really touched and said she would come! She started to cry and said she is ready to come back to church. It was a miracle made possible through ministering the way that the Saviout would. 

Another highlight is that we had 11 sisters stay at our flat on Friday night. It was such a party! They all came over to help out with the two Sanata parades on Saturday in both Masterton and Featherston. Sister Siale, Sister Tauru and I didn't actually go to any of the parade because Sister Siale was sick. 

We've started teaching the lessons to the members this week and it's been going really well. I really enjoy getting to share the spirit of misisonsry work with them and share with them how it can bring so much joy. 

In other news I've been trying my best to learn my testimony in tongan so stay tuned. 

My spirit tual thought this week come from studying obedience. In the tropical guide it suggests that if you're studying obedience that you see also "walk with God". From this I really felt the spirit testify to me that to be obedient in all things is to walk with God. 

Ofa Atu

Sister Olson 

-this family made us donuts 
-Sister Siale anand Sister Crichton, two of my mission daughters 
- the 11 sisters that stayed at our flat


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