Week 58

Kia Ora Whanau

We had zone confernece on Tuesday and it was probably one of the best ones I've been to. I just felt so uplifted and I knew exactly what I needed to do inorder for Sister Siale and I to mope the work of the Lord moving. It was a great day! 

Wednesday morning Sister Siale woke up sick so she stayed in bed and I did the morning schedule alone. It's so much harder to do alone than when you're doing it with a companion. Sister Siale is such a consecrated missionary though, I look up to her so much! She got out of bed around 11am and did her studies and then went an appointment that we had even though she was feeling really crummy. After the appointment though she was not doing well at all and she ended up on the sidewalk crying. Many people stopped to help but there was nothing they could do. We called some members and they picked us up and gave Sister Siale a blessing. I have such a testimony of preisthood blessings because the things that were said in that blessing could not have come from the members, it was 100% from the spirit. It was a special thing to get to witness. 

Thursday we did nothing, just let Sister Siale recover. She hated it though because her heart is in the work and all she wanted to do is go share the gospel! It's missionaries like her that show you how important this work is, because if she is desiring to go out and help people come unto Christ in the condition she was in the  it must be true.

Friday we saw Ann and she is struggling to stop smoking. We taught her about fasting and we decided to all fast together for her to have strength to overcome her addiction. It was really cool to open this fast with her. Satan is real though and has been working his hardest on her to make her not beleive in herself and in God. We are praying continually for her. 

On Sunday Sister Siale and I both spoke in church and the topic was temples. I just really prayed that the spirit would be able to touch one person's heart. Sister Siale gave a really powerful talk, man shes just so incredible, especially only being in her 2nd transfer. After church, a lady came up to us and gave us a big hug. She told us that she worked a night shift the night before and wasn't going to come to church but just felt like she really needed to come and that she is grateful because our talks really touched her heart. Also we found out later that one person came to the bishopric and asked for a temple reccomend interview which is so exciting! Little miracles are the best. 

In other news, the mutual theme 2020 album dropped and man I'm so grateful because I needed new music! Also there are some great jams in there. 

My spiritual thought comes from helaman 10:3-5 and alma 8: 14-15. In these verses both Nephi and Alma are struggling. They are in a dark place and are very upset because they feel like they aren't getting the success they should be in their mission. The Lord however, does not talk about their success, He says that they are successful because of their diligence in keeping the commandments. What I learned from that is it is normal to struggle! Especially if you're  missionary, but dont worry about that, just make sure you are keeping the commandments and you will make the Lord proud and you will recieve the blessings that you need! 

Ofa Atu 

Sister Olson

- we did our best to match 
- I got to see sister Ball one of my favourites who I never thought I'd get to see again! 
- hugs for my Soa and my body pillow
- selfies of sleeping sick Sister Siale and me


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