Week 7

Kia Ora Whanau!

This week was sweet as. On Tuesday we had our last exchange of the transfer. This time instead of me going to another companionships' area, I stayed in my area and lead the exchange. Man, I'll be 100% honest and just say I was real nervous about leading. I was worried about figuring out who to go see and contact becuase we didn't have any set appointments. I was praying so hard leading up to it that I would be able to receive the revelation necessary to then be able to plan the day by my self. Every time I prayed the scripture from Doctrine and Covenants 84:85 kept popping into my head. It says "Neither take ye thought beforehand what ye shall say; but treasure up in your minds continually the words of life, and it shall be given you in the very hour that portion that shall be meted unto every man." The part that really stood out to me is "neither take ye thought before hand" and "it shal be given you in the very hour that portion." I took a lot of comfort that I had been working hard to learn the area so I'll be able to accomplish what I need to get done when the moment comes. When I was planning it took awhile but I got it done and I felt really good about it and inspired. We were contacting a ton of potentials and formers. We got some awesome work done! We got a ton of numbers so we can call and set appointments and we got a return appointment for the next day! Then after we had finished contacting, we went and did some service and folded heaps of clothes. Man you cannot even imagine how much laundry there was to fold. It took a solid couple of hours to get done. The lady we were doing it for was super grateful so it was really nice getting to help her out. Exchanges was really good because the Lord definitely provided. It was a super great feeling to be receiving revelation all day. 

Wednesday we went up to the mission home because Sister Petersen had an interview with President to get some going home stuff sorted out. It was really nice because I got to talk to Sister Soloai and gain a closer relationship with her which is something I've been praying for. After the mission home we went back to the person we found yesterday. His name is Sam and his english isn't very good, he's Samoan so thank goodness Sister Petersen speaks conversational Samoan. We gave him a Book of Mormon and he was super accepting of it. We commited him to read 3 Nephi 11 and then we set a return appointment for Sunday! Man this guy is so golden. We brought Luli (a less active laurel) with us which was awesome because she says she really feels the spirit when she comes out with us and that's really what it's all about, feeling and recognizing the spirit. For dinner we didn't have a set dinner appointment but we stopped by a members home and they are so loyal, when they found out that we didn't get dinner they gave us all of their left overs. Man this ward is so supportive of the missionaries. They were all shocked that I liked it because it was Samoan food and they didn't think I was going to like it because I'm palagi but it was sooooo good. 

Thursday morning President called us into the mission home again for a special training. It was me and Sister Petersen and the STL's from the Wellington zone. He trained us on daily study. It was really good and powerful. President Soloai is so inspired and powerful. I wouldnt be surprised if he got called to be a general authority one day. I am seriously so blessed to be so close to President during my first transfer. After going to the mission home we went to contact some less active members and then we went and helped out at a member's funeral. The islanders really appreciate when missionaries come to stuff like that and it was good because the family is not active any longer. President and Sister Soloai also showed up to the funeral so I saw a lot of them this week lol. 

On Friday I had a really powerful day. It all started with my personal study in the morning. Guys seriously even just 15 minutes of scripture study each morning is so important to do so that you can grow spiritually before you go about the rest of your day. Even 5 minutes is better than nothing.  Friday we contacted a lot of less active members and some more potentials. We got some return appointments which is exciting. You have to celebrate the little things. The highlight of Friday happened right at the very end. We were driving home from dinner and we had time to visit one more family. The family we decided to visit, the Fata's, are a part member less active family. We got invited into their house and really got to bond with them. We invited them to do family home evening with us sometime and the dad, Lima, was super pumped and set a time with us for Monday! The mom, Jules, on the other hand was very against it and said no. But then we talked to her a little more and he spirit softened her heart and she finally said yes! So Monday we are going to their house to share the light the world videos and they are feeding us dinner! Lima is so ready to come back to church. You can feel it as soon as you walk into his home so just pray that Jules is ready to hear the message of the restored gospel so that their family will be able to accept the gospel and take the steps necessary to get sealed. BLESS LIGHT THE WORLD FOR SOFTENING HEARTS THOUGH!!! Meeting with the Fata family was really cool because we weren't sure if we should go, but we followed the spirit and great things happened. Always follow the spirit everyone, it will never lead you wrong. 

Saturday was the world wide day of service! For those of you who don't know, this year Light the World was kicked off with a world wide day of service and boy oh boy we did a lot of service. We first got to the chapel at 7:30am to clean the chapel and fill the font for a member's baptism. Then we went and helped set up for Christmas in the hood event. Then we went back to the chapel to participate in the baptismal program, then we went back to Christmas in the hood and ran the bbq for about 4 hours, and then we went to a member's house and sorted concrete and wood into different bins and piles. We were so dirty but it was such a great day. Service is so awesome! We got to do a lot of finding at the Christmas in the hood event which was dope. We are really being encouraged to find in new and unique ways so it's awesome when we get opportunities like this. 

Sunday was really good as usual. It was my one month mark in the ward which is soooooo crazy because it went by so fast. I can already tell I'm gunna be so sad when I get transfered and I'm not going to want to come home from the mission. It's hard but so rewarding. We had another lesson with Sam on Sunday and it was so confusing. He is so golden and says he wants to know more and he knows the Book of Mormon is the word of God, but the language barrier is a real struggle so it was so confusing lol. He said we could come back though so we're going to bring the Samoan speaking elders next time so that they can teach him. 

This week was so good! I really just got super excited about the work. My spiritual thought this week come from the training we got from president this week. He said that we need to not know the rules but understand the principles in order to be successful and obedient missionaries. I really testify of that. If you can understand the plain and simple truths of the gospel then you can see that commandments aren't a list of rules, they are based on doctrine that will bless our lives. So my challenge to everyone this week is to study the scriptures everyday, seek to understand the principles, pray, and participate in light the world! 

Ofa Atu 

Sister Olson 



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