Week 55

Kia Ora Whanau 

We did so much service this week! We put an add on facebook last week for free service and so this week we did at least one, sometimes two services everyday. It was really fun and set up some great opportunities for this coming week.

On of the services that we did was for a family who needed help getting their mums house ready to put it on the market, so we weeded the gardens. Then afterwards they messaged us saying they'd like a little more help and a chance to ask us about the church and out missions! 

Another service that we did was weeding the gardens of an elderly couple. They weren't home when we did it which was okay. We later found out that we were at the wrong house so we weeded some random peoples gardens hahaha.

The last service that we did this week was for a family that is apparently family with alot of the members in the ward including the bishop! They seemed really cool and there could be alot of potential so now we are really going to get their member family to fellowship them so that they can normally and naturally learn more about the church and gain a desire to come.

This week we also started out investigator Ann on a stop smoking program. It was so funny because we flushed her nicotine lozenges down the toilet so that she could just stop all of her addictions at one time. Shes doing really well this week even though she says it has been hard. She has so much faith. It's so incredible to see someone be able to access the strength and power of the atonement to help them overcome their challenges and trials. Another miracle that happened with Ann this week is that she decided to pay her tithing for the first time on Sunday. We taught her about it last week, and then this week she decided she wanted to keep the commandment to pay tithing. It was such an amazing surprise and a tender moment to see how she really does trust Heavenly Father completely. 

My spiritual thought this week is about the power that prayer can bring into your life. So last night, for what ever reason, I was struggling. I dont know what it was, but I was really tired both mentally and physically and I did not like it. I really just wanted to feel better and so I said a very long prayer. I just really poured my heart out to my Heavenly Father and slowly, very slowly, I began to feel better. It was so gradual that I had hardly realized by the end of my prayer that I felt any better. At the end of my prayer I didn't all of a sudden  have heaps of energy, but i did feel comforted and able to keep going. It was powerful because it was just enough to get me through. I know that through sincere prayer we can all recieve the strength that we need to just get through hard moments. 

Ofa Atu 

Sister Olson


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