Week 53

Kia Ora Whanau

Man the weeks just keep getting faster! 

This week we had so many miracles! We found two new people who are interested in us coming over and teaching them about the restored gospel. It was so exciting. One of them is named Donna and we found her right at the very end of our day on Sunday. We decided to make a quick visit to a less active members home before we called it a day and when we got there, they had their neighbor over. We asked if we could read the Book of Mormon with the family and then ended up teaching their neighbor, Donna, about it and about the first vision that Joseph Smith had. It was so cool because you could see her accepting the message as we taught and the spirit testified of its truth. 

Another miracle that happened is that our investigator Ann is getting really prepared for her baptism in December! She is just getting so excited about it and changing her life around. I am honestly just so proud of her. The coolest part about it is the growth that I've seen over the last six weeks that I've been working with her. She has become more confident and a whole lot happier. Its incredible to see the blessings that living the gospel can bring. 

On Tuesday we had another miracle! We finally got to see Natasha who we haven't been able to see in a whole month! It was so great especially because she hasn't really regressed a lot so while it's a bummer that she hasn't progressed it still isn't as bad as it could be. 

Wednesday we went on exchanges. I was with Sister Taroni in my area and it was such a great day. We worked really hard and were super effective. We taught Ann about the atonement and man it was so powerful. I love teaching people about the atonement and explaining all the blessings that we receive from it and I love seeing the hope that the love of Jesus Christ brings to their eyes. 

Those were the major miracles of this week. There were heaps of little ones that occurred everyday as well, for example I woke up on time with a lot of energy no problem this week and that was a miracle. 

This week I want to talk about the importance of a testimony. A testimony is a personal belief or conviction of spiritual truths and it is so essential that we each have our own. No one can get away without one. It doesn't matter how big it is or what it's based on or how long it takes to get it, it's just important that we strive daily to obtain one. Everyone has to, even prophets. Alma, a prophet in the Book of Mormon, talks about how he received his testimony. He said "And this is not all. Do ye not suppose that I aknow of these things myself? Behold, I testify unto you that I do know that these things whereof I have spoken are true. And how do ye suppose that I know of their surety?
46 Behold, I say unto you they are made aknown unto me by the Holy Spirit of God. Behold, I have bfasted and prayed many days that I might know these things of myself. And now I do know of myself that they are true; for the Lord God hath made them manifest unto me by his Holy Spirit; and this is the spirit of crevelation which is in me." If even a prophet of God had to fast and pray MANY DAYS (it took him awhile to receive it) then we need to be patient and put in the effort to receive one as well. You will see miracles as you do so. 
Ofa Atu
Sister Olson

Went to lake Ferry today
Got ice cream today
A member taught us how to make Māori bread and he gave us a bug for it! 
We are really bad at taking photos 


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