Week 52

Kia Ora Whānau 

Well this week was a crazy because I hit my year mark of being a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints! Wow, I cant even put into words how incredible this last year has been and how grateful I am for the experiences that I've had. I wouldn't change it for the world! I have met so many beautiful people and seen the gospel change and bless their lives. At the same time the message that I have to share as a missionary changed their life, the lessons they have taught me has changed mine. If there is one thing that I've learned, it's that God is our loving Heavenly Father and He loves ALL of His children personally and infinitely. I know this because I have had so many experiences where I have felt pure genuine love for people before I have even met them. That would be impossible for me to feel and experience if it weren't for Heavenly Father blessing me with the opportunity to feel of just a portion of His love for each of His children. The love that I have felt for random people stops me in my tracks sometimes and fills me with gratitude. I honestly wish I got to serve for 24 months because that would mean I would have another wonderful and adventure filled year of growth ahead of me. If I could, I would be a missionary forever! It's honestly the best and everyone who has the opportunity to serve should! 

Anyways, this week was a good one. We did some service for some members and moved a whole heap of wood into their shed for storage for next winter. It took about an hour and afterwards they made us sandwiches. The sandwiches contained two pieces of cheap white bread with thick layers of margarine slathered onto both peices, here slices of tomato and some cut up white onion. Sister Siale downed hers so fast and went back for seconds. I said lots of prayers to help me eat it ahaha. Idk what is up with New Zealand and people loving margarine and butter so much. 

On Wednesday we had a little miracle. While we were planning, we remembered that in zone conference, President asked us to make sure we dedicate at least one hour per day to finding. As we thought about how we should find people to teach that day, we both felt prompted that we should go street contacting. I perso ally don't like street contacting that much, it can be super awkward, but we did it anyways. As we were walking down the street, it seemed like everyone was turning their noses up at us and it was pretty discouraging. Then nek minit, a lady who is walking in front of us turns around d and asks "are yous following me?" Then, she realized we were missionaries and she was all happy because she's a member, just less active. She gave us her address and told us to come visit her! It was so cool because in that moment the spirit said to me that she was the reason we needed to go street contacting that day. It was a miracle. 

We also had lesson with Ann on Wednesday where we taught her about the restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ, and we set December 7 as her baptisimal date! We have alot of work to do before hand, but with faith and hard work, it will happen! 

Thursday to Friday we were on exchanges. I had Sister Javier with me in Masterton. She served here about a year ago so it was cool to get to pick her brain about people she had been working with that we could go and follow up with. 

Friday we had another lesson with Ann and she told us that she has stopped smoking! Wow wow what a miracle! We received a prompting on what to teach her and thank goodness we followed it because it highlighted some concerns that we will now be able to help her with. 

Saturday and Sunday was general conference here in the pacific and ot was so amazing! I really felt close to the spirit and received some really great revelation! I love getting to hear from the prophet and the apostles and gain spiritual strength as I follow their counsel. 

On Sunday when we got to the chapel for conference, Seiara (the girl who got baptized in my first area) was randomly there. It was so special yo get to see her and catch up with her. She is so strong in her testimony which just makes me so happy and grateful. Sunday evening we went to the Mapusua's home and spent sometime with them. I really just love their family and because of that, my greatest desire is to have them accept the gospel. It's funny how it works, when you really love people you just want them to be able to accept of the blessings avaliable through the restored gospel. It's alot like Lehi in the vision of the tree of life. The fruit of the tree is desirable above all other fruit to make one happy and so when he partakes of it, his first thought and desire is to beckon with a loud voice to those he loves, his family. I was watching the new Book of Mormon video that portrays the vision and I love it becUee you can really hear and see the pain and sadness that Lehi has when two of his sons don't come and partake of the fruit and the blessings of the Lord. It's honestly how I feel whenever people reject the gospel, because all I want is for the experience the happiness it brings. 

Anyways, my spiritual thought this week is about the invitations extended to us all from the apostles and prophet of the Lord during general conference.  But my count there were 11 instances when a speaker specifically invited us to do something, and countless other invitations that were given more subtlety. These invitations are the most important thing about conference and it is vital that we act on them. If we don't, then what is even the point of having a living prophet on the earth today. He can only be a blessing in our lives if we head and follow his counsel. We might have faith that Russel M. Nelson is a prophet, but it we dont act upon his counsel and don't put in any works, then our faith is dead. So I would like to encourage you to go over the conference talks, identify the invitations and then act upon them. I promise that as you do so you will see and feel of the power that comes from heading the counsel of the prophet of God. 

Ofa Atu

Sister Olson 

- Seiara coming to visit at church
-Me and Sister Siale 
- No one coming to conference Saturday afternoon, so sad ... 3 people eventually showed up
- Me on my one year mark 


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