Week 50

Kia Ora Whanau! 
This week was so miraculous! So my Soa goes home on Wednesday and I just really wanted her to have a great last week so I was praying with all the energy of my heart that we would have a fantastic week and those prayers were answered.

So at the beginning of the week we received a text from our investigator Ann that she had some good news for us on Friday and that we needed to bring our tissues. We were like what the heck could this news be!   She would not tell us until our appointment on friday. Anyways when we showed up she told us that she has decided she wants to be baptized in December! WOW we did not think that was going to be her news! It was so exciting because we didn't even invite her to be baptized she just wanted to all on her own!

Some other amazing news is that in order to reach our zone goal of new people being taught we had to find one more person as a zone. So we prayed really hard and contacted so many people and we found two new people! They used to be taught by previous missionaries so they know somethings already and they had a really positive experience with the past missionaries. So what an answer to prayers. 

Sunday we had two less active members that we are working with come to church and two people we are teaching which was so awesome! On Sunday night we had dinner with our Samoan investigators and it was so big and so yum! They had 2 other non members over too so that was so cool to get to share the gospel with them and plant some seeds. One of the non members thanked us for sharing the gospel with them and then encouraged everyone to go and study and pray about it more so that they can know this too. Who knows if anyone will but wow it was such an inspired thing for him to say. I love their family they are just so welcoming and gracious.

We had to stay up late on Sunday night packing all of Sister Tapumanaias things to go home and it was so sad! Man I wish you could all meet her because she is so humble and so firm in her faith and so much fun! Staying up was a struggle because it was day light savings the night before and we lost an hour because we are on the other side of the hemisphere and so waking up was hard lolol.

Some other notable things that happened is I vacuumed and back washed a members pool and it w
My spiritual thought this week is from Ether 12:37, "And if men come unto me I will show unto them their aweakness. I bgive unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my cgrace is sufficient for all men that dhumble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make eweak things become strong unto them." I love this because it tells us that we have weaknesses for the entire purpose of making them strong, and that is what our purpose is here on earth; to turn to Christ and make weak things strong. 

Ofa Atu

Sister Olson


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