Week 48

Kia Ora Whanau!

So since Wednesday we have had so many miracles! 

Thursday morning we woke up to a text saying that someone the night before requested a Māori Book of Mormon online. We were like what the heck this is random but so cool. So Thursday night we went around and met Phillip and his wife Renee and gave the the Book of Mormon. Turns out that Phillip is a member and his wife isn't. They just loved to Masterton from Taupou in the Hamilton Mission. She was being taught by the elders there and super close to baptism before they and to move here. She said to us "I'm not s member yet, but I will be soon!" Then they started talking about their Book of Mormon reading and their individual and family prayers. I was like what the heck! This is such a miracle! They also have the cutest, happiest baby ever! I'm just so excited for them to get sealed as a family! 

Also on Thursday we went to Carterton and met a lady named Ann that a recent convert referred us to. She used to be taught a couple months ago but for some reason things dropped off for a bit. She's super keen and she said she'd come to church! And she did which is another miracle! At church, the member that referred her to us made a comment I about baptism which a little but freaked her our but then I assured her that it's up to her and in her own timing and she was like "okay, yup when I'm ready then yup that's sweet as!" Again another miracle.

So we may or may not be moving flats, we're kinda unsure. But on Friday we went with some other missionaries to clean the Elders old flat for us to move into. At one point an elder opened up an umbrella inside and as a joke I said it was bad luck, then nek minit the wind changed, the front door slammed shut and the window in the door shattered and fellto the ground. So ya we aren't moving there because the window is now just a hole in the door.

On Saturday we did some service and helped clean the chapel. A lady in the ward who last transfer was 110% not active came! She is now 110% active, almost over night #miracles. She told us that since shes come back to church she got a pay raise and then last week she started paying her tithing again, and the day after she paid her tithing, she got a second pay raise. Man what a blessing and a testament that the Lord will bless you when you do what He asks. 

Sunday we gave talks on the Featherston branch. The whole branch was participating in a fast for missionary work, and we all closed with a branch lunch after church. It was really special. 

We had ministering night in Masterton today and it was really effective! Always a blessing to have them. It was pretty short so afterwards we had about an hour before our dinner appointment and man the Lord made the most out of that hour. We went to visit a part member family and they invited us over next week for lunch! Miracle. We also went and visited  family that we door knocked into a few weeks ago. They're samoan and the mum is from the same village as Sister Tapumanaia's mum and knows her family. We were worried that they weren't going to let us in as we talked on the door step for a few minutes but then all of a sudden they invited us in. We talked to the mum and the dad for about 20 minutes and then they called their YSA kids into the room. The son, Siamon, asked us the golden question: what is your main belief? We ended up talking about the plan of salvation and how we can be exalted and become like Heavenly Father, and the restoration and how plain and precious truths were lost in the bible, and the God head and the whole time they were like "wow ya that makes so much sense!" and "yep I thought that as a kid until my church told me something different but that makes sense". The kids were so onto it and into it. The parents were listening but a little less enthusiastic, but they invited us back and said they will have more questions next time and invite their friends because they're pretty sure their friends are going to be interested too! It was a huge miracle! 

All in all, since Wednesday, we found 6 new people to teach who are keen as! Man it was such an answer  to prayers! 

I just want to say that the Lord hears and answers your sincere prayers! This week I really was stressing about finding people to teach and praying really hard for the Lord to help us find the people who will accept the message. It was really just one of my greatest desires this week. Then the Lord the very next day answered it and led us to these people who are prepared and excited to hear about and recieve the blessings of the gospel of Jesus Christ. I know that the Lord will hear and answer all of your prayers as well if you pray with real intent, committed to act on the answers that He gives you! So make sure you "counsel with the Lord in all your doings". 

Ofa Atu 

Sister Olson 


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