Week 45

Kia Ora Whanau!

Transfers were this week and so SisterTapumanaia and I are reunited! We are whitewashing the Featherston branch while still covering the Masterton ward so its been heaps of work, but it's so exciting! Featherston is such a special place and the members are all amazing and we have recieved heaps of really good refferals from them already! 

Monday last week after I emailed home, we went to castle point which was really pretty! We were in a tsunami danger zone which was cool, grateful there were no earthquakes.

Tuesday we went to Wellington to pick up Sister Tapumanaia . It took so freaking long! The drive there is brutal but I'm so grateful we are back together.

Wednesday we biked all day and had a lesson with Natasha. We then did some service with her and set a time to come teach her kids on Saturday. We are starting to make some real progress with her which is so exciting! 

We started meeting everyone in the Featherston branch and man oh man they are the bomb in that branch! They all have so many dope refferals and I'm so excited to start working with them! 

We had zone conference on Thursday and it was so uplifting! Man President Soloai is so inspired and I came away with so many new things to start doing to be a better missionary.

A little miracle that happened this week happened late Sunday Night. So there was about 20 minutes before we had to go home and so we decided to make one last visit and go see a less active family who has a non member living with them. We shared with them how Heavenly Father love them and has a plan for them. The things that they said were so inspired. They know how the gospel blesses them and they want to come back! So we officially started teaching Reeva and working with her family! It was so exciting and I felt so much joy. I just love them so much and I know that love doesn't come from me it comes from Heavenly Father which is so cool to experience. 

My spiritual thought this week is from something said at church. One of the speakers said "Reading and learning about faith is insufficient on it's own to build faith." I can testify that this is true! If you want to build your faith you have to exercise it.

Ofa Atu

Sister Olson 

-me and sister shin at castle point
-our trio
-at zone conference
-saying goodbye to Sister schwenke who went home 
- me and Sister Tapumanaia back together!


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