Week 44

Kia Ora Whanau!

This week had some interesting things happen.

We've started doing a bible study on Tuesday mornings and we had our first one this week. Only 3 elderly people from the ward came, but we challenged them all to bring a friend next week so hopefully we can start using this as a finding tool. It was a really good time though. At one point we were going around in a circle each reading one verse and we got to one lady and instead of reading it out loud, she read it silently to herself lolol it was crack up. We were studying from the come follow  me readings and man I've just got to say that the Prophet is so inspired. Studying these scriptures is so beneficial and applicable to the world!

Tuesday night, while we were in the middle of painting someones wall, we got a call from the AP's and found out that Sister Bailey was getting emergency transferred 5 days before the actual transfer! It was so sad! Sister Bailey has been one of my favorite companions so I was so sad to be losing her. 

Sister Bailey got transferred on Thursday so we had to race around to get her ready to move and still do our missionary work. We went to go say goodbye to some people we are teaching and when we showed up to their house they were high as! It was so funny but also low key disappointing because we thought they weren't doing drugs anymore. After she left it felt so weird with just me and Sister Shin. When we got back from dropping her off, we hopped on our bikes and rode to a potentials house on the block. She wasn't home so we rode to see some of the people we are teaching. When we came around the corner there was 4 cop cars and 8 cops just standing on the road. Each police officer was holding a massive semi automatic rifle. It didn't look like anything had happened or was going to happen and we didn't know what else to do so we just rode down the street straight through the middle of them. One of the cops thanked us for wearing helmets as we rode by haha. 

Some other notable things from this week include finding out that next transfer I will be staying In Masterton with Sister Shin and we will also be getting Sister Tapumanaia!! Our area is getting expanded so we will now be covering Masterton ward and Featherston branch which will be fun to balance. 

It was a good week. I'm super excited for next transfer because Sister Shin and I have already fasted, prayed, and discussed what we're going to do different to help the work progress next transfer. We've received some pretty clear revelation so it'll be exciting to see what the Lord has in store! 

This week my spiritual thought comes from Alma 18:24. In this verse, Ammon has just begun teaching King Lamoni and it says that he "began to speak unto him with boldness". I've been thinking about this a lot and how sometimes we are afraid to be bold in case we step on people toes, or people judge us. But it is so important to be bold, especially when prompted by the spirit, because other wise we may miss out on witnessing and being apart of a miracle. Because Ammon was bold, King Lamoni was converted which in turn led to many of the Lamanites becoming converted to Chrisit, which was nothing short of a miracle. So be brave, be bold, and watch the miracle happen.

Ofa Atu

Sister Olson


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