Week 42

Kia Ora Whanau 

This week on Tuesday we had a million things to do but we couldn't do anything because we were going to Wellington to pick up our new companion Sister Shin, so we called our STls and they came and taught a lesson for us so that we could get a new person to teach!

Sister Shin is a beauty, she's from Auckland and is suppose to serve in the Hawaii Temple Visitors center but she's waiting for her visa so for now she is stuck with us in Masterton and with the rain. It literally rained all day everyday this week. 

Mostly this week we did heaps of biking and did our best to stay dry. It was a great way to get Sister Shin to really want to go to Hawaii lol.

We had a great lesson with James and his mom Lavell. We made a plan of salvation game board and they were both really into it. We emphasized that the only way to go to the Celestial Kingdom is with our families. We were hoping that it would motivate Lavell to come back to church with her son. Then we invited them to come to church and James said yes and Lavell said "I'm not the one getting baptized." Man it was low key really disappointing.

We also had a great chapel tour with someone we are teaching who is progressing really slowly. We basically did a silent tour and let her feel the spirit. She had silent tears running down her cheeks by the end of it. It was a tender moment. Hopefully it will help her begin to progress faster.

Nothing exciting happened this week expect for the fact that we did missionary work. The work is exciting by nature. 

My spiritual thought for the week comes from Romans 8:16 "The spirit itself witnesses with our spirit, that we are the children of God." I just want to say that I know we are all children of our loving Heavenly Father and if you pray and ask or even just ponder about it, the spirit will testify to your heart and your mind that you are a child of God and you will know of your divine identity yourself. 

Ofa Atu

Sister Olson 

Top to Bottom:
- a dog that we thought was an abused animal that didnt have a happy home that we befriended by feeding it vegemite and cheese flavoured crackers. We named him Sticks. Later we found out that the people we are teaching own him and he is well taken care of and he's actually a girl named "shawn" lol

-me and sister Shin
- me and Sister Bailey
- selfie of all three of us
- my nose started bleeding while we were riding our bikes... classic
-more biking photos 


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