Week 38

Kia Ora Whanau! 

Alot happened this week so buckle up. Jokes, a decent amount happened but nothing too exciting.

So on Tuesday we were teaching one of our new investigators and we were teaching him the plan of salvation. We shared with him the Sun, moon, star analogy to help him understand the difference of the glory of the celestial, terrestrial, and celestial kingdoms. We then asked him where he wants to go and he said the stars because they're the furthest away and so maybe when he got there it would be better than the sun. None of us knew how to respond, we were like man he didnt understand the metaphor lol. 

Wednesday was honestly one of the hardest days I've had so far. It was hard from the second I woke up to the second I went to bed. The thing about hard days though, is you just have to be diligent and push through the hard times and keep working. Hard work is the only remedy to a difficult day.

On Thursday we drove to Dunedin for a district finding that was super successful and fun. We set up a board with the question that said "what's the most important thing to you?" And then we had 5 categories, family, religion, sport, education, and other. We asked people to put their name on a sticky note and then put it under the category that wat most important to them. We then would start conversations about that category and relate it to the gospel. We had little quotes to give them that related to each category and the gospel to give away along with cookies. It was so fun and people were really into it. It was super normal and natural to invite people to hear more about the gospel.

On Friday we had our first and last lesson with a new investigator. It was all in Samoan so I didnt understand much, but basically she just wanted to bible bash with us and we were like "listen if you want to listen to us, then call us but other than that we're going to leave". 

On Saturday we met with the Chilean family that we are working with. We read the book of mormon with them and they really enjoyed it. They are becoming more open to the gospel slowly but surely. They are so kind though and would benefit from the gospel so much!

Sunday we had a super powerful testimony meeting. Not many people showed up, but those that did bore very sincere testimonies. We also had alot of less active members there who bore there testimony. There was a tender spirit that attended the meeting. We then drove Dunedine after church because we had to drop Sister Tu'i'onetoa at the airport because she is going home. Fun story, we were 3 minutes late so she missed her flight but they were able to get her on another flight no problem. Sister Soloai was really mad but she got there safe and sound so everything turned out. 

This week my spiritual thought is about how the scriptures have the answers to everything. I came across a talk from President Nelson about how for years, infection was attributed to "bad air" so some insane measures were taken such as tearing down and rebuilding hospitals every few years. We now know that infection is caused by the spread of bacteria and viruses. President Nelson then pointed out how in Leviticus 15:1-7 it talks about how when people are unclean, you must wash your hands and everything the sick person has touched. President Nelson said "Thus, our loving Heavenly Father had clearly revealed principles of clean technique in the handling of infected patients more than three thousand years ago! These scriptures are in complete harmony with modern medical guidelines. But during those many millennia, how many mothers needlessly perished? How many children suffered because man’s quest for knowledge had failed to incorporate the word of the Lord?" I thought this was so cool. So if any of you have question concerning literally anything you can turn to the scriptures and find the answers. 

Ofa Atu

Sister Olson 


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