Week 35

Kia Ora Whanau 

The weeks just seem to be getting faster and faster which is so scary. 

So Tuesday we had a cool experience. We were going to visit a member and her neighbor was outside smoking. When I saw her, the spirit was so strong telling me to talk to her. So we talked and had a super long conversation where she said that we won't ever convert her. But she also kept asking questions about the gospel. Eventually the conversation got around to how she likes to read so I told her I have a book she could have. At first she didn't want it but after we explained it, she took it out of my hands and wouldn't give it back. Then she asked about eternal families and said "but you wont convert me." We told her that wasn't our purpose as missionaries. She invited us in and we had a good chat in there as well. At the end she still said she wasnt going to be converted but that she will read the book of mormon. 

On Thursday we went and visited a less active lady and had another super long chat. We got to learn so much about her and build a great relationship with her. She said she wants to start coming back to church but she is just afraid to, so we will be doing some mega ministering to her so that she feels more confident in coming to church. You guys ministering is so important because sometimes all people need is to know they have a friend at church and then they will come. 

Friday was the best because we found the most golden family ever. We first met Paulo (the father) last transfer when we were doing a donut finding in Timaru and he said we could come over. His name just kept coming to my head this week and on Frisay we were finally able to get it meet him. We had such a cool experience with them. The spirit was there and it was softening hearts. Before going to their house I felt prompted to grab the May ensign, I had no idea why but I did. I was so grateful I did because President Nelson's talk int th ensign is exactly what they need to hear and understand. So we invited them to reD the talk and to have us over again to share a message about the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. They so eagarly said yes! I was elated. It is moments like these where the spirit testifies to people hearts and they accept the gospel that I live for as a missionary.

Saturday was Vaha's baptism! It was really great and alot of the ward showed up which was great because they dont show up to alot of things. She was so excited to get to be baptized it was so great. 

Donald and Teresa came to church on Sunday! It was so cool especially because the talks were exactly what they needed to hear. 

It was a good week, lots of highs and lows but I'm grateful for all of them. 

My spiritual thought this week comes from Alma 5:14 "And now behold, I ask of you, my brethren of the church, have ye spiritually been born of God? Have ye received his image in your countenances? Have ye experienced this mighty change in your hearts." When we allow ourselves to receive his image in our countenance it has the power to change us physically. Elder Theodore M. Burton said "“If we truly accept God in our lives and live in accordance with his commandments, God will work a mighty change in our appearance and we will begin to appear more like our Heavenly Father, in whose image we have been created. Could it be this appearance we recognize when we meet men and women who are trying to live close to the Lord?" I am striving to have his image in my countenances. It won't happen all at once, it is a process, but as we consistantly work on it, we will be able to accomplish our goal.

Ofa Atu

Sister Olson

- at Vahas baptism
-at a service 
-a Maori family let us come over and wear their koroai's and they drew moku's for us
- me looking like a maori


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