Week 15

Kia Ora Whanau! 

This week was a series of ups and downs. It was filled with moments of feeling totally inadequate and other moments where I felt like I can do this. I feel like this is how the entire transfer is going to go. It was also filled with way to many trips into Wellington.

So on Monday, Sister Jones was told that her bus up to her new area was leaving Wellington on Tuesday at 7:15am so we planned accordingly. We woke up on Tuessay to a text that said her bus was actually leaving at 7:00am so we had to rush to get her to the bus station on time and then we had to run to the airport to get Sister Tu'i'onetoa on her flight down south. Then we went to the mission office and waited for the new intake. I am training Sister Hutia from Bora Bora, Tahiti! She is so sweet and funny but her English is still pretty limited. She is also very nervous about making a mistake when talking that she doesn't like to talk very much. I have been on my knees praying so hard to know how to help her. President says that the most important leadership role is a trainer because in a missionaries first 12 weeks, they learn things that they will continue their entire mission. I can physically feel the responsibility to help her become who Heavenly Father has called her here to become. I pray every spare second I have to be able to be an instrument in His hands to help Sister Hutia. 

On Wednesday the Wilsons cancelled on us which was super disappointing because we haven't seen them in such a long time. But because they cancelled we did get to go to another ward's ministering night. I love ministering nights. They are seriously the best. Again, I would encourage you all to do them in your own wards.

Thursday we had to go into Wellington to get Sister Hutia's phone fixed. The software that they have us download, to help us keep our phones missionary focused, is super touchy and it wouldn't let Sister Hutia download some crucial apps. So we had to go into the office to call Salt Lake so they could fix it from church headquarters. In the afternoon we did some door knocking so that Sister Hutia could practice talking to people. We knocked on this one lady's door who immediately let us in and introduced us to her family, she then said we would have to come back later because she was "currently sinning but she can't deny the Lord from coming into her house so we must come back when [she is] sober." So we're gunna go back, we'll see if she is actually interested or if it was just the alcohol talking. 

Friday was a day where I for sure felt like I wasn't doing enough. So every Friday we do weekly planning and as we were planning Sister Hutia was not understanding what it was we were supposed to be doing or what I was saying. She was trying really hard but I would tell that she was getting pretty discouraged and I didn't know what to do to help her. We did about half of it when we decided to take a  break. Then we had a lesson with Seiara. It was a really good lesson! We watched the full length restoration movie with her and then talked about her baptismal date (which was for the next day). She said that she feels that she needs to finish the Book of Mormon before she will be ready to be baptized. So we came up with 3 dates for her to pray about to see as her new baptisimal date. After we left, Sister Hutia was definitely frustrated that she couldn't understand a ton of what we were saying. We came home for lunch and I immediately ran to my room and prayed because I don't speak French (low key I think President Soloai thinks I do) and I don't know what I could do more to help her. That's when the answers came. We had a technology training in Wellington and while we drove into the city and when we drove back we just talked about everything. It was so good because we were able to build a stronger relationship and she was able to practice speaking. The conversation flowed naturally and it was such a tender mercy. 

Saturday we had an impromptu mission tour in Wellington. The same guy who did the technology training on Friday was doing more on Saturday and President wanted everyone who could to be there. So the entire North Island drove into Wellington to better learn how we can use technology as missionaries. It was eye opening. It was so powerful and super useful. The way Jonathan (the presenter guy) did his presentation made me feel like I was back in a BYU class and it made me miss school lol. It was such a good training. Saturday night we met with Seiara's parents to introduce them to Sister Hutia and to see of they had any further questions or concerns. They were all good with everything. They said they could really see a positive change in Seiara and attributed that to the gospel. Then Seiara brought up her baptisimal date and said she felt like she needed to be baptized on Febuary 23. I was lowkey worried about her parents reaction because a month ago they told us they wanted Seiara to not get baptized until June. But the spirit has been working on them and they said that if Seiara felt ready then they would be 100% supportive. We were all shocked because we thought they were going to say that was too soon. The spirit has for sure touched them and softened their hearts to allow Seiara to be baptized 4 months earlier than they had originally said. 

On Sunday Elder Natress, a general authority seventy came to our ward. Elder Natress, the stake President, and President Soloai all spoke in sacrament meeting, it was super powerful. They shared a lot about Christ and how incredibly important He is in everything. Without Christ, we could not do or become anything. It is only through Him that we can reach our potential. It is so comforting to me to know that it's not through me, it's through Christ, because I am no where good enough on my own. Hine (a less active Sister that we're working with) and her husband and kids all came to church today! I was so pumped to see them. Last Saturday, Hines husband Ieremia (Mia) told us he would come but he didn't. So this Saturday we went over again to invite him and he said he would come and I said "Mia I'm going to hold you to that, you owe us a chocolate bar if you dont come" and then today he showed up! Seiara also came to church again! After church I pulled her through the crowds of people that were gathered around Elder Nattess and I introduced her to him. I told him how she was getting baptized and he told her that she can't necessarily see it now, but in the future her choice to join this church will make such a huge impact on an enormous amount of lives. I think it really resonated with her.

Sunday night Seiara called us and said she had some bad news. Her dad is concerned that she won't be able to balance her commitment to church with school and family and just life in general so he wants her to wait until January 21 2020 to get baptized. She was really bummed about it but she also is so determined to stick with it. She said "I just need to work harder that's all." I told her that she just needs to do her part and the Lord will do the rest. So everyone please pray that her dad's heart will soften and that she will be able to get baptized before next January. We are keeping February 23rd as a goal date for her to feel prepared to be baptized and then we will re assess when we get closer. I asked her what it was about the gospel that made her want to get baptized and she said "The Book of mormon. I know that it is another true testament of Jesus Christ and it's what makes this church unique, it's what makes this true." Man when she said that I almost cried. The Book of Mormon is what makes this church unique, it is evidence that this is Christ's true and restored church. I don't know why Heavenly Father blessed me with the opportunity to know her but I am so so grateful. There is no greater joy or blessing than getting to watch someone come unto Christ. I know I didn't do anything to deserve it, I am just so truly blessed to have this opportunity to be on my mission and to know Seiara. 

My spiritual thought this week comes from 1 Nephi 17:45. Here, Nephi is talking to Laman and Lemuel who have become prideful and once again forgotten Heavenly Father. It says "...and he hath spoken unto you in a still small voice, but ye were past feeling, that ye could not FEEL his words..." This verse stood out to me this week, especially the word feel. As we strive to understand the gospel and read the scriptures, it is important that we not only understand what is taught but we also allow the Holy Ghost to testify to us the truthfulness of all things. We must feel His words, we must gain our own witness that this is true. If we allow ourselves to go past feeling, if we only look at things from a critical or analytical point of view and never give the spirit a chance to testify to you then you will fall away and lose the blessings of this gospel. My challenge to you all is to always pray and ask for a confirmation that these things are true. Do not let yourself become prideful like Laman and Lemual and be  "past feeling". Always strive to feel His words. 

Ofa Atu 

Sister Olson 

Dropping off Sister Barao at the mission home

Me and sister Jones at the impromptu mission tour

Me and Sister Hutia


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