Week 14

Kia Ora Whanau! 

This week was bumping! 

Last Monday was so busy. We always seem to schedule teaching appointments during pday which is a struggle, but they're with Seiara so it's honestly all worth it. We asked her how her praying about Joseph Smith was going and she got the is little smile and nodded and said "ya I know it's true." Man it was so exciting. It is honestly the coolest thing to get to witness someone gaining a testimony and it strengthens your own testimony so much. 

On Tuesday we drove 2 hours to Palmerston North for mission tour. We had to pack into the other sisters' flat. All the missionaries on the north island were in Palmy so we had 6 sisters stay in this one tiny flat. Mission tour was so powerful though. Elder Haleck, the Pacific area president, came and spoke to us. It was powerful. There was so much stuff that he said that answered so many prayers and questions that I had thought of and didn't even realize I had. One thing that stood out to me is that missionary work and this gospel has to be personal to us. If we dont take it personally then we will not be able to share the good news of the gospel with others. 

Mission tour was Tuseday night through Thursday morning. It was so awesome. Thursday night we helped out some of the Elders who were putting on a murder mystery night for the YSA in their ward. It was super fun and super elaborate. My character was the murderer which no one figured out haha so everyone was so sad they didn't realize. It was really great though because the YSA in that ward struggle a lot. 

Saturday we went through the Come Follow Me study material with Seiara. She is really getting good at understanding the doctrines and principles within the scriptures. It's so fun studying with her because she has a totally different perspective on the scriptures than I do so she picks up in things I had never thought about before. 

Sunday was really great! Seiara came and sat at the front of the chapel instead of the back! After Church we finished the last few principles in the missionary lessons with her. She is so solid and says she feels ready to be baptized, she just needs her parents to feel she is ready. We can totally do that though! If she is prepared I know the Lord will help her parents be okay with her getting baptized. A less active mom also came to church for the second week in a row! I was so pumped because for the last 2 transfers we have seen her desire to come back so it's so exciting that she is acting on that desire now. I honestly think all the credit to her coming back goes to ministering nights. Those things are so effective. 

Transfers is tomorrow and I am staying in the Hutt for another transfer! In so excited to get to stay because I love these people so much! I am also training Sister Hutia from Tahiti! I'm so excited! It's going to be a sway transfer!

My spiritual thought for the week is to trust the Lord. While we were at mission tour we were given some specific direction on how to change how we do missionary work. As we have done our best to implement it we have seen so many mint miracles. So trust the Lord and the guidance He gives you because even if it seems odd at first, it will direct you to a better place.

Ofa Atu

Sister Olson

I got to see Sister Petersen at mission tour! The other Sister is Sister Javier and she is from Edmonton 

Sisters from my intake who I saw at mission tour

YSA Murder Mystery Dinner


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