Arrived in NZ!

Kia Ora (thats hello in maori)

Hey Mom and Dad! I'm in New Zealand and safe in prison (The MTC lol). Its so pretty and nice here! Its literally the garden of eden. The MTC is tiny and is basically a chapel and a couple other buildings. There are 58 of us missionaries total. 18 are ESL. There are so many Polynesian people here. Usually Americans are the minority but there is 18 new missionaries that entered today that are american (im lumping me and elder mulholland and two elders from Wales in there). The flight was good. The flight to SF was long and not comfortable cuz United is a crappy airline. It was nice travelling with Elder Mulholland cuz I had someone to talk to. Once we got to SF, some people that had connected with Elder Mulholland over instagram met us at the airport and bought us lunch. They are from Auburn california and know the Fullers (Elliotts grandparents). Then we got to the gate and met up with 6 sisters and elders. We gave a book of mormon away to this cute old man and he was so excited about what we were doing and the book of mormon. He gave us his contact information and told us he would read the Book of Mormon cover to cover and write all his questions down so that when we come to his house we can teach him. He then proceeded to start reading it until we boarded. He lives in Auckland so not in my mission but still cool. Once we got on the long flight to NZ they served us water right away and I spilt it all over myself lol. Great way to start a 13 hour flight. I got about 6 hours of sleep, so pretty good. The flight did not feel as long as I thought it would. Next to me was the Calgary mission presidents nephew and his family. they were so nice and it was cool to make that connection. Now I'm here, I've had a weird breakfast of spaghetti that tastes like alphagetti and sausage and fruit and yogurt. That was basically my first 24 hours. I'm tired but surprisingly not super jet lagged. It just feels like I skipped a day. There are 2 other sisters in my in-coming group that are going to wellington and they are all super nice and normal and I like them a lot so I am grateful for that. My p-day in the MTC is on Friday (your thursday), so that's when I'll be emailing. I won't email tomorrow tho cuz this one counts as that. I've got a name tag that is spelled right lol. It still is surreal and feels like a super elaborate joke. That's all I've got for now. I miss you but like not a ton yet, I'm sure it will hit me soon. Thanks for your emails. I'll try to figure out how to send pictures for my next email. Anyways I'm safe,  Love you so so much!

Love Sister Olson 
xoxo <3
(weird to say that haha, Love Carmen)

P.S I'm only suppose to email you two right now so please show this to Chloe and Steven and the Fosters. 


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