
Showing posts from February, 2019

Week 18

Kia Ora Whanau First things first, on Saturday the church changed the guidelines on how missionaries can communicate with their families, and we can now video call them every Monday! So I'm going to keep this short because I'm going to Skype with my family!  So on Monday we contacted a potential named Sylvana and it turns out she's a member. She was baptized up in Aukland when she was 11 and hasn't been to church since. She has 2 teenage daughters and a little baby boy and she seemed really keen to come back to church. So that's awesome because her family has heaps of potential. Tuesday night Sister Mamea got really sick, so on Wednesday we spent the entire day in Wellington at the doctors. All I can say about her getting sick is the priesthood has real power. She got better so much faster than she should have and I attribute that to her receiving a priesthood blessing. I have a testimony of the power of the priesthood and I am so grateful to have peopl...

Week 17

Kia Ora Whanau! Heavenly Father is real! That's all I've got to say for this week.  Jokes, but seriously He is real and I saw His hand in this work so much this week. I always see His hand in this work, I see it every single day, but this week it was just so obvious.  So to fill you all in on what I mean, this week Seiara was struggling a lot and really not herself. On Sunday I fasted that something would happen to help her and something did happen! We had a special training on Tueday in Wellington for some of the north island missionaries and so a bunch of them drove down on Monday night and spent the night. Sister Jones came down from her new area and the were assigned to spend the night in our flat, which meant that Tuesday morning she could go see Seiara at seminary. This was a little miracle because it made no logical sense for why Sister Jones and he companion would be assigned to come to our flat. From where they were coming from, they drove past 2 other fl...

Week 16

Kia Ora Whanau!  Man what even happened this week. So much!  So last Monday, we had a family home evening with Hine and her family with some young couples in the ward. It was really great because she was able to start building some good relationships in the ward. Her husband, Mia, wasnt able to come unfortunatly because he broke his hand an hour before the family home evening. Hine was so dedicated though that she drove him to the hospital and home and then came straight to family home evening. We played 'Don't Eat Pete' for the game which was so funny because it brought me right back to being little when we would play 'Don't Eat Pete' at family home evenings. It was so funny.  Tuesday we had a lesson with Seiara. We talked more deeply about how God is our loving Heavenly Father and how He is involoved in every little detail in our life. We watched Elder Rasbands talk "Devine Design" from October 2017 general conference. It was really good...